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Simple Steps for Newbies' Guide to zkSync Airdrops

In this tutorial, we explored the steps to engage in zkSync airdrops. We covered bridging, swapping, lending, and multi-signature wallet interactions for upcoming airdrops. Remember to use the 'bitboxtools' tool and trustgo for efficiency.
Simple Steps for Newbies' Guide to zkSync Airdrops

Rising from the Ashes: How Curve Finance's Unbreakable Spirit Triumphed Over a $73 Million Hack

Curve Finance, a prominent figure in the DeFi landscape, emerged victorious from a harrowing $73 million hack. The attack, driven by an exploitable flaw within the Vyper programming language.
Rising from the Ashes: How Curve Finance's Unbreakable Spirit Triumphed Over a $73 Million Hack

What’s the Impact of SVB Crisis on Crypto?

The full impact of SVB crisis is yet to be felt. The cryptocurrency industry is still vulnerable and lacks an established immune system. Only verified algorithmic stablecoins can offer the resilience needed to weather future storms.
What’s the Impact of SVB Crisis on Crypto?