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Simple Steps for Newbies' Guide to zkSync Airdrops

Author: CryptoSherry

October 17, 2023

Unlocking the Hottest Trends in Crypto's Second Half of 2023!

As we step into the latter half of 2023, the cryptocurrency space is ablaze with excitement, and there's one topic that's stealing the spotlight – the Layer 2 battle, featuring the sizzling ZK-rollups, including zkSync, Polygon zkEVM, StarkNet, Scroll, and more. It's a thrilling time for crypto enthusiasts, and today, we've got a special treat for you.

Join us on an exhilarating journey as we unravel the secrets of zkSync and its airdrop strategy. We'll take you from square one, guiding you through the intricacies of interacting with zkSync Lite and zkSync Era. But that's not all; we'll also draw on the wisdom of past OP and Arbitrum airdrop rules to offer you expert advice.

Whether you're a seasoned crypto pro or a curious newcomer, this is an opportunity you won't want to miss. Get ready for the perfect rendezvous with zkSync, right here on CryptoSherry's blog."

First, let's start with a simple overview of zkSync:

As per Vitalik's classification, zkSync falls under the category known as zkEVM Type 4. It's written in Solidity and then converted into Yul, essentially a way to turn high-level code into low-level code. zkSync is a scaling solution developed by the MatterLabs team using zkSNARK (non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs), and it represents a form of ZK-rollup to increase capacity.

Last February, zkSync made some changes: zkSync 2.0 was renamed to zkSync Era, and zkSync 1.0 became zkSync Lite. The former, zkSync Era, is designed to be compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), while the latter focuses primarily on payments and is not EVM-compatible.

For those who missed the Arbitrum opportunity, there's something to look forward to at the end of the year with zkSync's airdrop. In this guide, we will show newcomers how to interact with zkSync cost-effectively and explain the required interactions for participating in the airdrop. We've also taken cues from past OP and Arbitrum airdrop rules to offer some informed recommendations.

First, ensure you have your initial funds ready on the ETH mainnet. There's no specific amount requirement. Next, head over to the zkSync Lite wallet to top up your account. You have three options available for bridging funds from the ETH mainnet to zkSync Lite. In this demonstration, we will showcase the process using zkSync. This step may require a brief waiting period until the top-up amount is confirmed before you can move on to the next step.

We'll be engaging with both zkSync Lite and zkSync Era, with a primary focus on the latter since most dApps operate there. This means we'll be spending the majority of our time interacting with applications such as DeFi, bridge services, NFT platforms, and more on zkSync Era.

For interactions on zkSync Lite, it's recommended to target around 3 to 5 transactions. Let's get started with zkSync Lite:

  1. On the homepage of your zkSync Lite wallet, select "swap," which will automatically direct you to
  2. For your initial setup, you'll need to perform a one-time "activate account" action, incurring a gas fee of approximately 0.3-0.4 U. As an example, selling ETH for USDC and covering the associated gas fee to confirm the transaction constitutes one completed operation.

Moving forward, your funds should be directed through to enable interactions with zkSync Era. This bridging process typically takes 1-2 minutes.

Next, we'll engage with zkSync Era, and you can add zkSync Era network using Chainlist. Interactions on zkSync Era can be facilitated through the dashboard feature on TrustGo, which automatically analyzes your interaction ranking. More importantly, it shows whether your address has been flagged as a "witch address." If you believe you've been wrongly flagged, you could contact the MOD through TrustGo's DC channel.

We will reference the projects listed on TrustGo for interactions. It's recommended that the total interaction amount for each address exceeds 10,000 U, involves more than 20 different protocols, holds over 5 NFTs, and utilizes the official bridge for cross-chain transactions with an amount greater than 1,000 U. These interactions will require the use of USDC. Remember to import the USDC token into your wallet first.

Here is the USDC address: 0x3355df6D4c9C3035724Fd0e3914dE96A5a83aaf4

We're diving into swap protocol interactions, and we recommend utilizing platforms like Pancake, SyncSwap, Mute, and SpaceFi. You can easily locate these protocols within TrustGo's dApps list.

In addition to swaps, you have the option to increase your interaction amounts by using lending protocols like Eralend. When selecting "Eth manage," you'll gain access to four key functions: supply, withdraw, borrow, and repay, all available for same-day access. After supplying, the dashboard on the homepage will display your deposited amount. If you choose to utilize the borrow function, the progress bar will indicate your borrow limit.

Interacting with NFT minting, bridging, and multi-signature wallets can be more intricate, and we'll address these processes in subsequent sections. We suggest utilizing the "bitboxtools" tool to efficiently manage your interaction addresses and data. For this particular transaction, it involves a total of six protocols with an interaction amount of 455.62 U. Don't forget to periodically review your interaction records to maintain the activity of your address.

And with that, we've reached the conclusion of today's tutorial on zkSync airdrops. I'll provide handy links to the essential tools below for your convenience. Stay tuned for more upcoming tutorials, whether they're about zk series or other exciting airdrop opportunities.



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