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NFTScan Portfolio Product Comprehensive Upgraded!


On August 3rd, 2023, NFTScan officially unveiled the new version of its NFT Portfolio product:

The upgraded NFTScan Portfolio boasts an intuitive navigation system, providing users with easy access to crucial information through its new hierarchical structure. Currently, NFTScan has supported the full NFT data of 16 blockchain networks including Ethereum, Solana, BNBChain, Bitcoin, Linea, Polygon, Avalanche, Arbitrum, Optimism, zkSync, Aptos, Fantom, Moonbeam, PlatON, Cronos, and Gnosis.

NFTScan Portfolio product now includes features such as NFT Home, Discover, Portfolio, and Watchlist, offering users a one-stop solution for managing their NFT assets.

1. Home

The Home interface allows users to link their wallets to view their holdings and distribution across 16 blockchain networks, along with detailed data on each chain’s holdings, historical on-chain interactions, and participation in NFT-Fi.

NFTScan Portfolio

2. Discover Feature

The Discover page provides a comprehensive data analysis of the whole NFT market, including:

  • NFT-Fi data on all liquidations for the day.
NFTScan Discover
  • EVM on-chain daily trading, minting NFT data trends, and overall NFT trading market data, providing users with real-time insights.
NFTScan Discover
  • 24h Gas consumption and market value rankings in the NFT Ranking list.
NFTScan Discover

3. Upgraded Portfolio Feature

NFTScan has conducted an analysis of the value of the NFT holdings in a user’s wallet address, including the full amount of NFT data on the EVM chain. This analysis includes the Est Value, expenditure, Unrealized P&L, and Realized P&L of all NFT collections held by the user on this specific chain, as well as details regarding the user’s holdings and expenditure. It aims to provide users with a clear and real-time view of their wallet data.

NFTScan Portfolio

4. Watchlist Feature

Users can add any NFT collection or wallet address to the Watchlist for real-time monitoring of related NFT and address dynamics.

NFTScan Watchlist

In conclusion, NFTScan Portfolio welcomes Web3 users to utilize its real-time NFT data monitoring and investment portfolio management capabilities, providing a vital tool for NFT investors to manage their digital assets comprehensively and gain insightful NFT data analysis.

About NFTScan

NFTScan is the world’s largest NFT data infrastructure, including a professional NFT explorer and NFT developer platform, supporting the complete amount of NFT data for 16 blockchains including Ethereum, Solana, BNBChain, Arbitrum, Optimism, and other major networks, providing NFT API for developers on various blockchains.

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NFTScan Connect Program




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